Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hot spring in Sembawang, Singapore

This afternoon, I went to find a hot spring in the northern part of Singapore and managed to find it about two hours of walking. I knew about it some years ago from the newspaper but didn't think of visiting it since I thought it's just a small spring located in a remote part of the rainforest.

Recently, while reviewing an article for my magazine project about green or renewable energy, I came across more information about the hot spring. I learnt that some university academics wrote about doing a feasibility study of harnessing the hot spring for geothermal energy in future. So I decided to find out where this mysterious hot spring is since my idea of hot springs is that they are usually found in some remote volcanic regions, and there aren't any volcanoes on the small island of Singapore. The hot spring proves elusive because it is actually located nearer a newly built residential area than I thought, and the entrance to the hot spring isn't very noticeable.

Entrance to the Sembawang hot spring, along Gambas Avenue (opposite Seletaris condominiums)

A signboard introducing the history of the hot spring

Pipes and taps have been constructed to regulate the flow of the hot spring

Warm water (about 70 degrees Celsius) trickling from a hot spring tap

Steam emerging from the gurgling water at a hot spring outlet

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